Saturday, April 28, 2012

2012 Arbor Day Celebration On Earth Day

Our Pack 380 scouts, along with other cub and girl scouts from the area, joined in the City of Concord's celebration of Arbor Day on Earth Day, April 22.  Mayor Ron Leone along with Council Member Laura Hoffmeister were on-hand for the celebration, which focused on planting trees at Newhall Park.  The trees that we planted are located across the bridge on the north side of the parking lot.

Thanks go to our Cubmaster, Mr. Llata, for having us join the city for these celebrations!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Webelo Graduation Ceremony

Congrats to our five second-year Webelos on their graduation to Boy Scouting!

We celebrated the occasion at our April Pack meeting with the presentation of Arrow of Light awards to four of the scouts.  This award is the only one that goes with the scouts from cub scouting to boy scouting. On hand to present the award were boy scouts with the Order of the Arrow.

For the graduation ceremony, we had scouts from Troops 370 and 484 to welcome the five new boy scouts to their troops.  We had two scouts joining Troop 370 and the other three joining Troop 484.  After the ceremonies, our new boy scouts led the younger scouts in a game.  The evening wrapped up with juice and cake.

We look forward to our younger scouts one day being able to have this experience as they move forward.  Here's a short video summary of the ceremonies.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Arbor Day Celebration in Concord

Pack 380 will be helping the City celebrate Arbor Day on Earth Day, April 22!  All Pack 380 family and friends are invited to join us for this fantastic opportunity to help more trees take root in our city.

What: Arbor Day Celebration
When: April 22 at 2pm
Where: Newhall Park (park on Turtle Creek Road for easy walk over bridge to site)
What To Do: Scouts please wear your uniform

Check out this link to photos and other information from previous Arbor Day activities involving Pack 380.

Check out this link to information on the event on the City of Concord web site.  Who do you see in the photo on the site?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 2012 Pack Meeting

The focus of this meeting is the bridging ceremony for our second year Webelos who are leaving Pack 380 to move onto become Boy Scouts.  Three of the five boys have been cub scouts with Pack 380 starting as Tiger Cubs!

This is a big day for our five webelos and hopefully one day all of the other current Pack 380 scouts will also be able to participate in their own bridging ceremonies too.  The bridging ceremony marks the "bridging over" of our second year webelos from cub scout to boy scout.  There will actually be a ceremonial bridge at the meeting and members from the two troops that our boys are moving onto at the meeting to accept the boys into their troops.  We have two boys moving onto Troop 370 and three boys moving onto Troop 484.

After the ceremonies, the outgoing webelos will help lead the pack in games and we'll also have cake and refreshments for all to celebrate this important milestone.

In order to help accommodate the two boy scout troops that will join our meeting for the bridging ceremonies, we are moving the start time of the meeting to 630pm just for this one month. The following is the agenda for the meeting:

What: April 2012 Pack 380 Meeting
When: April 19, 2012 (Thursday) at 630pm, with finish planned for 730 to 745pm
Where: Woodside Elementary School Multi-Use Room, 761 San Simeon Drive, Concord

Meeting Agenda
1. Opening Flag Ceremony
2. Award Presentations
3. Arrow of Light Presentation
4. Bridging Ceremony
5. Announcements
6. Games
7. Cake and Refreshments
8. Closing Flag Ceremony