Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pack 380 Hike - meet at Little Farm in Tilden Park at 2pm

We have scheduled a Pack hike in Tilden Park.  This will be our first event of the year after Information Day - maybe a chance to meet new scouts joining Pack 380 or interested in checking us out.  Also, if your scouts have friends who might be interested in scouting, this might be a good way to learn more about scouting as our leaders plan on attending this event.

Meet at the Little Farm at 2pm.  Pack a light snack and water.  We will spend some time with the animals and then go on a hike.  You can bring lettuce or celery only to feed the animals.

Here's more information on the Little Farm in Tilden Park:

Here is a map of Tilden Park:

For any new perspective scouts who plan on joining us, please email one of the leaders listed below:

1st and 2nd Grade:  Chris Llata (
3rd Grade:  Alicia Lang (
4th Grade:  James Lang (
5th Grade: Casey Emoto (