Monday, January 13, 2014

January 16, 2014 Pack Meeting - 7:00pm at Multi-Use Room

We have our monthly Pack meeting scheduled for January 16, 2014 at 7pm at the Woodside Elementary School Multi-Use Room.  We have a fun filled evening planned for our scouts.

The theme for this month is Games.  Who doesn't like games?  Nobody, right!?  
In a separate message we have also asked the scouts to bring a photo of themselves to the meeting for the project that we will work on as part of the gathering activity.  The project will be to make something for the Blue and Gold Dinner next month.

Finally, we will have a brief meeting immediately after the Pack meeting (should take no more than 10 minutes) to answer any questions about the Blue & Gold Dinner and provide an opportunity for families to sign up to help make the event a success.  Remember that the event will only be as good as we make it.

Now onto the agenda for the meeting:


0.  Gathering Activity [Blue & Gold Dinner picture project]

1.  Opening Flag Ceremony [Webelo 1s]

2.  Announcements [Cubmaster Llata]

     Den meetings (January 22 for 4th/5th at 7pm and January 23 for 1st/2nd/3rd at 630pm)
     Troop 262 will attend Webelo den meeting to help scouts earn badge & help with other fun!
     Blue & Gold Dinner on February 7, 2014 in Multi-Use Room to sign up for food for Blue & Gold
     Friends of Scouting

3.  Awards
      Bobcat Badge Ceremony - Ricardo Cruz

4.  Games!!

5.  Raffle

6.   Closing Flag Ceremony  [Webelo 2s/Wolves]

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