Updated on 2/6/2016 g.t.
REGULAR MEETINGS                                          

Den Meetings for each den are held twice a month; check in with your den leader for your unique den meeting schedule and meeting place.
Email to find out who your den leader is OR call the Scoutmaster, Chris Llata, at 925-348-3319.

Muir District Roundtable Meetings for Pack leaders are held once a month, on the second Thursday of the month at LDS building on Dekinger.

Parent Committee Meeting  is held once a month, on the first Sunday of the month, 4:00pm at cub master's home unless otherwise specified. Parent volunteers make the cub scout pack run smoothly. All parents/guardians are needed to help run the pack activities to help make cub scouts great!

Pack Meetings for all cub scouts and parents are held once a month, third Thursday of the month at Woodside Elementary Multi Use Room (MUR). (unless modified for a specific event.)


Sept. 17, Thursday
Oct. 15, Thursday
Nov. 19, Thursday before Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 17, Thursday before Winter Break
Jan. 19, Thursday
Feb. 19, Friday  Pack Meeting / Blue and Gold dinner to celebrate scouting 5:45pm - 8:00pm
Mar. 17, Thursday Pinewood Derby weigh-in ONLY 6-8 pm
Mar. 18, Friday Pinewood Derby race, scouts come in uniform.
Apr. 21, Thursday
May 19, Thursday Advancement Ceremony - may be scheduled during May Campout.
May 21 noon to May 22 noon. Sat/Sun (Friday night camping available) Spring Campout at Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek.

June 9, Thursday, second week of June (or third Thurs. June 16??) date to be announced
June 10, last day of school

Summertime Activities
Summertime Camping activity? (none planned yet.)
Earn the Summertime Pack Award pin for participating in three outdoor pack activities in Summer 2016 once a month in June, July and August. Activities like frisbee golf, bowling, fishing, camping, hiking or swimming.