Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2012 Pinewood Derby

A great turnout was on hand for the 2012 Pinewood Derby races for Pack 380. With family and friends on hand, all the scouts were able to show off the results their hours of shaping, sanding, polishing, painting and fine-tuning of their pinewood derby cars.

There were cars of all shapes and sizes. Some had to undergo last-minute adjustments to qualify for the races. In the end, Ryan's pick-up truck with what looked like a rocket engine took first place, second place went to another Wolf Cub Owen and his Formula 1 race car, and third place to Webelo David and his green machine.

The "coolest design" award based on a vote of his peers, the scouts, Tiger Cub Zachary won with his Humvee design. The "Turtle Race" was won by Tiger Cub Richard in a squeaker over Bear Cub Kevin.

We had one special award called the "Spirit of Scouting," with its own trophy made by Cubmaster Llata. This award went to Wolf Cub Erik who ran home on the night of the weigh-in to make changes to the car so that it would fit on the tracks, not giving up and making it back just in time to qualify his car for the races. A special nod also should go out to Antonio and his shark as they too had to make adjustments at the weigh-in to reduce weight.

The night also included Unit Commissioner Bernie Zurlo awarding Pack 380 with its rechartering.

Special thanks go to Cubmaster Chris and Den Leader James for helping all the scouts that they did with their cars. Also, the same thanks go out to all of the families who worked on their cars with their boys. Thanks to the pit crew also that included Tracy and Kimm as the official starters, Girl Scouts Naomi and Bonnie as the car retrievers and Scout David as the computer operator for the first time. Thanks to Alicia for the yummy snacks and picking up the pizza! And finally let's not forget Gene Dodge of Troop 364 who lent us the track for this year's race.

This year's race over so time to start planning for next year. We're thinking about have an open class race open to all non-scouts too!

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